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About DEAF

Cutting Edge Tech Security Tool could Protect Freedom of Speech and Save Lives, Alana Cook, Constitution.com, January 17, 2017.
"In the last few months, stories about hackers gaining access to, and leaking emails of, John Podesta and Hillary Clinton have plastered the pages of major media outlets. Public officials have expressed well-founded concerns regarding potential cyber attacks on critical infrastructures such as power, water, communications and transportation. In December 2015, a cyber attack perpetrated against Ukrainian power plants effectively shut down electricity to over 80,000 customers. These are just a few examples where cyber warfare is replacing boots-on-the-ground warfare tactics."

Mark Littrell, owner, Intecomco Global Security
The Defense Enabling and Assisting Framework, or DEAF, is the State-of-the-Art digital communications security technology. It is so powerful and so stealthy that governments and their surrogates have gone to extremes to procure and protect it. Western Intelligence sources say DEAF could save Americans from this Orwellian nightmare of our leviathan government-industrial complex because it uses quantum-based computing to hide their communications from their government's and others' prying eyes.

D.E.A.F. was developed over a five year period by three leading computer scientists with backgrounds in physics, optoelectronics, encryption, compression and cryptography. The system is a complete hardware and software system that allows various electronic devices to be protected and have all transmissions received or transmitted cloaked and the contents undetectable.

"If you can envision a transmission of information, everything is comprised of ones and zeros. D.E.A.F. conceals information within information. It also works at quantum speed levels, which makes information virtually impossible to capture, and even if someone was able to capture it, it would be virtually impossible to decipher. Data and voice transmissions are totally obfuscated and since it uses highly innovative proprietary technologies, hackers are not able to penetrate nor crack the D.E.A.F. system."

"We have had it thoroughly tested by some top Web security firms out there and some top people in the world and they have been unable to breach or capture transmissions," he said. "They can tell transmissions are there but that's all they can tell. There are several well-placed people that have this hardware software system on their phones and computers."
"It is an excellent technology, and the type of niche security capabilities we need going forward, especially for our high-value people and for other assets who we are trying to protect..."
Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, in an email to Gen. Paul Vallely (U.S. Army, Ret.).
"It is an excellent technology, and the type of niche security capabilities we need going forward, especially for our high-value people and for other assets who we are trying to protect."


A DEAF Protection membership provides service targeted to your specific telephone number.

The telephone number you provide will be the phone number protected by DEAF.

For only $10 per month, paid annually ($120 at time of enrollment), your phone's transmissions will be protected for one year.